So Who Are We?

What started as a funny conversation over afternoon tacos and margaritas, is now a brand. A crazy idea we laughed about, saying how funny it would be. But that’s crazy right. It's just a silly idea. 

But what if it’s not? What if people would find it as funny as we do? What if we could spread a little laughter in this crazy world. What if we could do a stupid crazy thing and it would work. I mean why not?

We think it's pretty funny. And it made us laugh and enjoy our day a little more. We want it to be contagious. Laughter. Funny moments with friends. We need more of that. I guarantee if you wear these designs you'll make people smile. Including yourself. 

We're just two girls who love sleds, and bikes, and mountains, and all the outdoor things. Especially fast machines that we can BRAAP.

Dreams baby. We’re dreaming. And we like being dreamers. Life would be so blah without it. And we’d never get anywhere without dreams.

So girl, start dreaming. Pay attention to those crazy ideas that make you smile and think wow, that would be wild. 

Do those things. Those are the good things in life. And you deserve all the good things.